My last post on this random blog was written almost 18 months ago. I wonder if eighteen months is a long time or a short time. I cannot quite come to terms with the idea that length is always meaningful. If somebody had told me that in 18…
All posts tagged life
Home Repairs, Heart Broken
Come February 2021 and, as I may have stated in another entry, nature took a stab at making me suffer. A severe winter storm named Uri obliterated Texas’s power grid, taking down electricity and water pipes with it. I had just acquired a new house and was faced with the need to redo the whole…
Pandemic Redux
They say people don’t change. Today, in this lukewarm spring day where my life is currently taking place, I can honestly attest to that belief not being quite true. One day, just as smoothly or as loudly as they once jumped into your lifeboat, people leave. Lines disconnect, lives take different turns, or people simply…
Self-Editing for Writers
It has been a while since I last posted anything. I’ve been up and down in quarantine, but still COVID-free (or so she likes to think). Outside, autumn has settled and we are all good as we need to be, here, now in Houston. I am writing this post against the backdrop of a semi-lit…